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Hello, does somebody already implemented a warehouse based availability indication for frontend? As
does somebody already implemented a warehouse based availability indication for frontend? As far as i see, the stock for a product is always calculated based on the whole store, no matter of the warehouse. Means: In WarehouseA there are 5 items, in WarehouseB there are 3 items … on frontend you get a total stock of 8 but you don’t now how the stock is spread over the warehouses.
This makes totally sense since the usual case is, that as a customer you don’t care about from which warehouse your item is shipped from. But we have the case that the customer has a warehouse assigned from which he gets his item. So he wont travel to the next warehouse which might be very far away^^
Any idea for a lightweight solution to indicate a warehouse based availability indication? Is there even a spryer feature?
Hello, I am also interested in a solution or hints here. In my project we will get the use case where customers are to be assigned to a warehouse. And there it would be good to be able to process different warehouses separately.
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Part of our improvements on our click and collect solution, we will make available in the FE (redis and ES) the availability per warehouse, merchant, delivery type (new concept) and for BC reason the sum of all warehouses assigned to the store.
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