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Hi, I would like to create an anonymous shopping cart using the Glue API. There the API tells me I n
Hi, I would like to create an anonymous shopping cart using the Glue API. There the API tells me I need a token. When I call the /Token API, it tells me I have the wrong grant type. The documentation doesn't say anything about the grant type as a parameter or whatever. How do I get a token as Anonymous?
Hi Michael, did you read https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/managing-carts/guest-carts/managing-guest-carts.html#create-a-guest-cart?
https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/glue-api-guides/202108.0/managing-carts/guest-carts/managing-guest-cart-items.html#add-items-to-a-guest-cartCreating a guest cart If a guest cart does not exist for the current user, and you send a request to add items, the guest cart is created automatically. Otherwise, the items are added to the existing guest cart.
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But the endpoint is
. Is your {{baseUrl}} includes/guest-carts/{{guest_cart_id}}/
already?0 -
When I make the first call, I don't have a card ID and we use the following URl ({{baseUrl}}/guest-cart-items) because it creates a card and gives me an ID back.
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Hi Michael! Are you using the customer access feature in your project?
If so, adding to cart as guest might be configured to be not allowed.
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Ok, i will check this moment please.
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Yes, we have this plugin active in the backend. I remove the checkboxes and then i have a Spryker\Glue\RestRequestValidator\Processor\Exception\CacheFileNotFoundException - Exception: Validation cache is
enabled, but cache file is not found.
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I will restart the docker images and will test it again
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I found the last error. In the main setup missing a step for create the cache for all stores
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After rest-api:build-request-validation-cache is working fine
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Thanks for help and tips
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