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So anyone? Since we get many of those on production
Separate redis just for sessions, not using locking, identifying open sessions and trying to close them earlier may be some ideas
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ok, I will take a look, thx
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Here are some feedbacks from our development:
By default in our shop we use session lock in order to have consistent session data. This means that each process lock session during execution, and other processes will wait for lock release. If waiting time timeouts, then this error is shown. Solutions: - check which customer's requests takes so long? (this request is not failing, but is running for a significant period of time) - do not allow customer to act that fast.
Their requests are either exceeding the maximum time a lock is waited upon (because some other request is holding the lock) , or something more obscure is the problem (such as a failure to generate the keys, a failure to write to redis, not actually using real redis but some other alternative, or messing with the session lock TTL value). If the pages are "very slow" it would indicate they have some other page holding the lock.
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ok thank you. Our pages are normally really fast. I will check if we have some performance issues when the exceptions are thrown
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