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Hi everyone, how can I create a self-referencing one-to-one relationship? ```

Hi everyone,
how can I create a self-referencing one-to-one relationship?
<table name="spy_tax_rate"> <column name="fk_parent_tax_rate" type="INTEGER" required="false"/> <foreign-key name="spy_tax_rate-fk_parent_tax_rate" foreignTable="spy_tax_rate" phpName="ParentTaxRate" refPhpName="ChildTaxRate"> <reference local="fk_parent_tax_rate" foreign="id_tax_rate"/> </foreign-key> </table>
creates a one-to-many relationship.
Hi. Will making the fk unique do the job?
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I tried...it didn't
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I added
but it didn't change anything
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you mean that after running the migration, you are still able to add duplicated values to the column? ๐ฎ
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at least SpyTaxRate only has a method
that gives me a collection instead of a single entity0 -
this seems to be a propel limitation& I see no way to do it except one http://propelorm.org/documentation/04-relationships.html#one-to-one-relationships
here is someone with the same problem https://github.com/propelorm/Propel2/issues/1187
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yes, I saw that
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that's not so great
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so if your fk is the primary key for the table, it will work. Agreed, not fun at all
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<table name="spy_tax_rate"> <column name="id_tax_rate" type="INTEGER" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true"/> <column name="fk_parent_tax_rate" type="INTEGER" required="false"/> <foreign-key name="spy_tax_rate-fk_parent_tax_rate" foreignTable="spy_tax_rate"> <reference local="fk_parent_tax_rate" foreign="id_tax_rate"/> </foreign-key> </table>
it is the primary key...doesn't create a one-to-one relationship though
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you can put this in
and test yourself0 -
I just ran
docker/sdk console propel:install
- I think that's enough!?0
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