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Hello guys how do I use ajax provider molecule to make a POST request with data in the body ?
Hello Ahmad!
Change themethod
attribute toPOST
in theinclude
For example:{% include molecule('ajax-provider') with { attributes: { method: 'POST', url: 'Your URL', }, } only %}
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nice but what if I want to send dat in the body ?
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so this will send a post request to the given url β¦ but where do I define the data for that post?
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By default, the
molecule can adddata
for the POST requests only with thefetch
method.0 -
are you saying that I cannot send data with post in ajax provider?
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If using only
the molecule in TWIG, unfortunately not.0 -
ah ok
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thank you mate π
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one more question in the same topic
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if the molecule is included and the ajax request does not appear in the browser console
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what could be the problem?
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Do you see the component in HTML debugger with correct attributes?
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Do you try to send this request by a trigger or by on load a page?
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on page load
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Did you change the
attribute ontrue
because itβsfalse
by default?0 -
so now it actually works
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but there is something wierd
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the request happens twice
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one of them gets canceled
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the second succeeds
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any idea?
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Check duplication of the component in HTML
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there is not duplication !
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actually another widget I am using .. just works out of the box with out specifying this fetch on load attribute
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Thanks a lot @UQRP02SP2
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