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Hi there, I've got another question on testing: I finally managed to create test fixtures for my GLU
Hi there,
I've got another question on testing: I finally managed to create test fixtures for my GLUE-Tests without any error and the generated fixture-file looks like I would expect it to look. I afterwards executed queue:worker:start for the devtest env but got the output: sh: 1: ps: not found
. So the test won't work because the result says "Abstract product not found" when calling 'abstract-products/{productId}'
Did I forget something or do you have any hint on what the problem may be?
Do you use docker?
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and you run the
on the cli container, right?0 -
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I just checked on my internal setup. the
docker/sdk cli -t console queue:worker:start
works as expected for me.0 -
I think this question might be also asked in if nothing helps
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Ok, thanks a lot. I'm happy if the way I did things is correct in general. Then I just need to debug why the queue command does not work as expected.
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I also looked at how the travis ci build does it and it appears that they run this in the following order:
- docker/sdk testing codecept fixtures - docker/sdk testing console queue:worker:start --stop-when-empty - docker/sdk testing codecept run -c codeception.api.yml
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Alright. That's what I did b yhand
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@UQKSAARKN just to complete this (after such long time): I needed to install procps in my php-cli docker container because it wasn't installed there but is required for the queue-worker command
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