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Hey Everyone, when I try to install the b2b shop with docker-sdk version 1.22.1 I'm getting this err

Hey Everyone, when I try to install the b2b shop with docker-sdk version 1.22.1 I'm getting this error message:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined class constant 'RESOLVABLE_CLASS_NAMES_CACHE_ENABLED' in /data/config/Shared/config_default.php:71 Stack trace: #0 /data/vendor/spryker/config/src/Spryker/Shared/Config/Config.php(189): include() #1 /data/vendor/spryker/config/src/Spryker/Shared/Config/Config.php(139): Spryker\Shared\Config\Config::buildConfig('default', Object(ArrayObject)) #2 /data/vendor/spryker/config/src/Spryker/Shared/Config/Config.php(57): Spryker\Shared\Config\Config::init() #3 /data/vendor/spryker/error-handler/src/Spryker/Shared/ErrorHandler/ErrorHandlerEnvironment.php(18): Spryker\Shared\Config\Config::get('ERROR_LEVEL') #4 /data/vendor/spryker/console/src/Spryker/Zed/Console/Business/Model/Environment.php(34): Spryker\Shared\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandlerEnvironment->__construct() #5 /data/vendor/spryker/console/src/Spryker/Zed/Console/Communication/ConsoleBootstrap.php(55): Spryker\Zed\Console\Business\Model\Environment::initialize() #6 /data/vendor/spryker/console/bin/console(20): Spryker\Zed\Console\Communi in /data/config/Shared/config_default.php on line 71
Does anyone know why that happens? This is a clean install with the newest docker version on a macbook
the first line of the error is missing π€
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but this looks like a problem in the code, not with the docker setup.
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which demoshop version did you start from?
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The tag was: 202001.0-p1
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Added the Full Error message, sorry didn't see a line was missing
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this is a vanilla demoshop?
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side question: any reason to not go for the latest version?
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While there is a reason, I also have the new version installed and when I try to docker/sdk up I get the same error message
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I took a look into the config and this is the line:
$config[KernelConstants::RESOLVABLE_CLASS_NAMES_CACHE_ENABLED] = true;
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ok, i need to investigate a bit here. maybe someone else has inside from the top of theeirs heads?
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It is not about docker. Kernel version is outdated.
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Or file sync problem if you use docker-sync/mutagen.
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Hey @ULYHPR789 did you succeed to resolve the issue? Iβve got a same error right now but on 202009.0
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