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anyone else maybe had the problem, that states in the oms statemachine history log are duplicated an

anyone else maybe had the problem, that states in the oms statemachine history log are duplicated and so for example also mails are sent twice?
we had a problem with duplicate orders during our upgrade to 202109 which was caused by adding new plugins and still having old plugins in the dependency provider. not sure if we also had duplicates in order history. could b that u have sth similar. did u update any dependency provider like
? maybeSalesDependencyProvider
are defined β¦ just guesses. I would probably start debugging in\Spryker\Zed\Checkout\Business\Workflow\CheckoutWorkflow::placeOrder
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the orders are not duplicated, and it only happens randomly sometimes, but maybe there is something that duplicates the execution under specific circumstances, thx
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We had the same problem in a special case (where you have timeout and manual execution for the same event in your OMS process).
We believe it has something to do with the Jenkins process
running for too long (in our case 3-4 minutes, while it was scheduled to run every minute).The process was running long because the spy_oms_event_timeout was full of old entries. It seems that if the item does not proceed in the OMS process (stays on the same state), the timeout won't be updated, and will be executed every time the scheduler runs the
process (and therefore clogs the system).0 -
@U03QLJ6GDSM thanks for your insights. We actually had exactly the case where the table got so big that the job did not finish anymore because of memory_limit. I cleared the table of outdated entries and then it worked again and the rest of the table got cleared out by the jenkins job. But: I did not look into the table again if it is maybe a recurring problem
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currently it contains only 7 entries. But maybe it have been more when the duplications happened. So I guess I should have a look at the run times of the jenkins job
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wait... we changed to have 3 stores a while ago. And we have a jenkins job for each store for check oms conditions, but only one zed instance π oh dear god. Anyway thanks for getting me there
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or does anyone know if the check.oms.condition filters by current store and only takes this orders?
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ah theres a command option for that
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