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Anyone help me on extend the Inventory. Actually, I need to add custom fields in Inventory. Please l

Anyone help me on extend the Inventory. Actually, I need to add custom fields in Inventory. Please let me know how we can add custom fields.
As with any other db table you want to extend: https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/back-end-development/data-manipulation/data-in[β¦]n/structural-preparations/extending-the-database-schema.html
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Yes, I need to add the custom fields in database.
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I know the schema part, I have already extend the customer profile, discount and orders, But I need to know how we can extend the Inventory. Is there any specific module schema ? or we need to create a new module or schema file for that ?
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What do you mean by extending the Inventory then?
Do you want to extend the form in Zed, how a inventory is calculated or anything else?
The more specific your question is the easier it is to give a specific answer0 -
Actually, I want to add two columns in Inventory table for example :- A quick extension can be adding two attribute types in inventory:
β’ awanooDescription (String)
β’ awanooDynAttributes (HashMap) ==> key is string, and value is string0 -
And yes from the Zed.
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For now just need to add two columns.
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To my knowledge there is no inventory table in Spryker.
Only spy_availability (src/Pyz/Zed/Availability/Persistence/Propel/Schema/spy_availability.schema.xml
and spy_stock (src/Pyz/Zed/Stock/Persistence/Propel/Schema/spy_stock.schema.xml
).0 -
Thank you π
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@UL6DGRULR I have one more question :- Could you please let me know how inventory data stored for product in spryker ?
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https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/inventory-manage[β¦]re-walkthrough/inventory-management-feature-walkthrough.html and more detailed in https://docs.spryker.com/docs/marketplace/dev/feature-walkthroughs/202108.0/marketplace-inventory-management-feature-walkthrough.html#modul[β¦]-graph (especially if you use more than one warehouse or a combination of a warehouse and dropshipping)
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Ok, Got you. Thanks
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@UL6DGRULR We want to extend the table but we want to add column that refer to multiple key value pair(hashmap) so what is the best approach ?
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Propel provides
for those: http://propelorm.org/documentation/reference/schema.html#other-types0 -
Ok, Thanks!! Again π
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@UL6DGRULR Now we have created the some fields in database. Can you please let me know how we can render that fields in backend and front side. If you let me know the process in detail, I will really appreciate it.
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For displaying those fields you can implement the given plugins provided by https://github.com/spryker/availability-gui-extension/tree/master/src/Spryker/Zed/AvailabilityGuiExtension/Dependency/Plugin (*Extension modules in Spryker are used to show which extension points are available, similar to the Symfony contracts).
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On Frontend/Yves side the https://github.com/spryker-shop/availability-widget is what I would look into (see https://github.com/spryker-shop/availability-widget/blob/master/src/SprykerShop/Yv[β¦]onents/molecules/availability-product/availability-product.twig). Sadly there is no plugin architecture yet to extend it
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@UL6DGRULR My last question is how we can extend
State Model
We also need to add some custom fields.0
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