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Hi! I would like to extract a Spryker module I created into another Git repo and to require it throu

Hi! I would like to extract a Spryker module I created into another Git repo and to require it through composer. It looks like Sprkyer is not looking into vendor/foobar/src/Pyz/... but only into "Spryker" directories (especially thinking about Zed controller and routes). Is there any way to achieve this?
You should overthink your vendor structure. For vendor packages you should adopt the spryker directories. for example vendor/vendor-name/src/package-name/VendorName/Zed/PackageName. Then you have to adjust on pyz the configuration for the new paths
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KernelConfig for example check the getPathsToCoreModules() function
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Also for router, twig, es, transfer, zed navigation etc
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in global config file you also have to register the new namespace (
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Thanks for the hints! getPathsToCoreModules seems like the wrong place, since my module is not a core module, isn't it? Shouldn't it rather be getPathsToProjectModules π€
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Do you know if there is any documentation about this?
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I did what you said: added the Namespace to the CORE_NAMESPACES and also the path to getPathsToCoreModules..
Anyway the backoffice and gateway routes cannot be found π€·0 -
Forget what I said.. I was accessing the wrong route, since I was renaming my module before π€¦
With adding at these two places it works perfectly fine0 -
doesnt matter if its core module or not, you can add the paths there. Dunno if its documented. We create and add own vendor modules and had to take a closer look into the code to find the loading parts
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