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When I run `vendor/bin/codecept run -c tests/PyzTest/Glue/Products` I get: ``` 1) ProductAbstractRes
When I runvendor/bin/codecept run -c tests/PyzTest/Glue/Products
I get:
but there's no such thing as codecept fixtures:
I run codecept build earlier, but that didn't help. What else should I run to make this work? https://documentation.spryker.com/tutorials/introduction/t-testing-tdd-scos.htm doesn't help here.
this really is annoying, pls stop
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Are those fixtures mentioned in codeception.yml or something else? We're testing Glue with codecept too, but don't have such issues
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@UKTSRTD5M well, once I get the answer that helps I'll stop. I promise
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@UKHR9UN00 I'm trying to run core Spryker tests,
the fixtures is probably this one
https://github.com/spryker-shop/suite/blob/master/tests/PyzTest/Glue/Products/RestApi/ProductsRestApiFixtures.php0 -
if those tests work for you, can you please let me know if you have the file at
?0 -
We don't have this test in our suite. We've written our own tests without fixtures.
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So I can tell, tests will at least run without fixtures. π
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But that probably doesn't help you with this particular problem.
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This is a community slack not official support. If it is a bug report it. If it your project issue and community can't help you are on your own.
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π€ I'm not really happy with core tests removal, my guess was Spryker team knew what they're doing when implemeneted them.
While I don't necessarily rely on Glue in our app, I wouldn't really push non-stable (test-breaking) code to production0 -
How about debugging the issue?? What have you tried so far besides running stuff?
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@UKHD8KTMF thank you for assuming I'm simply lazy. π I can assure you I'm not and I successfully fixed all the other 20+ tests that didn't work for us. I tried debugging it and there's nothing I can find (that's normally the moment when a developer asks the community I guess)
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Thank you @UKHR9UN00 for acting professionally, though, and helping out with what you have. I'll consider removing the failing tests if there's no way for me to fix them (and add a TODO to re-check them in a month, maybe they will work again by then)
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If no one is answering a few days already might mean that people here canβt help - they simply donβt have the issue youβre facing. I would also suggest to report an official bug to Spryker..
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OR they are not exactly back from holiday yet π
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either way you could just ignore me instead of telling me the obvious, if bumping the topic didn't give me the answer I'd stop it eventually, but turns out it was actually a good Idea and Felix stepped out TODAY and replied with his approach on tests. not exactly a fix, but helps
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issuing a bug is a good idea, still..
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@UK5DS29L2 I never assumed anything. I can just feel your frustration that no one was helping you. Asking what have you tried so far and if you debugged the issue is nothing personal. If you felt otherwise, then accept my apologies.
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I would also suggest to report an official bug to Spryker..
consider it done π Sent through support.spryker.com
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Jan Myszkier [11:29 AM]
OR they are not exactly back from holiday yet π0 -
What do you think @UK5DS29L2 is the count of people returning from holiday each day related to the count of people who have read your message and are not able to comment on it?
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it is huge
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but honestly, drop it. I got what I needed and bug is submitted
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Hi Jan, Iβm trying to reproduce your problem using latest master of
repository.Iβve run
codecept run -c tests/PyzTest/Glue/Products
and got the same error about fixtures.
But running thencodecept fixtures
for me. Therefore tests ran.0 -
So it seems to be all I was missing was
therefore this is now fixed and the issue can be closed. Thank you @valerii.trots for checking on that
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Thank you for the feedback!
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