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Hey, is there a clean way, to requeue messages if something is missing (or maybe another idea how to

Hey, is there a clean way, to requeue messages if something is missing (or maybe another idea how to solve this)? In my case, we want to add the concrete product url to search. the buildConcreteUrl is part of the productStorageClient and relies on the data of the product storage. But for newly imported products, the search queue seems to be processed, before the product is written to storage. Another Idea would be, to try to create the url from product concrete entity, but I need to duplicate at least some logic from the product storage writer to get the url params for the super attributes
or, maybe, retrieve the url from the client on demand during the search query from storage. Not sure about the performance here, since I think normally all data is retrieved directly from elasticsearch on search pages without having to query all the storage records
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So you want to create fixed urls for the concretes and then be able to access that from search?
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@U031G802S74 yes, exactly. We show the concrete in search and it should link to the product page with preselected super attributes. Currently we tend to access the data from storage during /after the search query
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