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Hello all, I added a step in the checkout following this tutorial:

Hello all,
I added a step in the checkout following this tutorial: https://docs.spryker.com/docs/pbc/all/cart-and-checkout/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorial-checkout-and-step-engine.html#add-the-voucher-step
Everything works OK(ish) except I see breadcrumbs 2 times. Can someone please advise.
did u add the steps multiple times to your step collection maybe? can u show your StepFactory? would be my first guess
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@UNGMX0012 Here is my StepFactory
<?php namespace Pyz\Yves\CheckoutPage\Process; use Pyz\Yves\CheckoutPage\Plugin\Router\CheckoutPageRouteProviderPlugin; use Pyz\Yves\CheckoutPage\Process\Steps\VoucherStep; use Spryker\Yves\StepEngine\Process\StepCollection; use Spryker\Yves\StepEngine\Process\StepCollectionInterface; use SprykerShop\Yves\CheckoutPage\Plugin\Router\CheckoutPageRouteProviderPlugin as CheckoutPageRouteProviderPluginAlias; use SprykerShop\Yves\CheckoutPage\Process\StepFactory as SprykerShopStepFactory; use SprykerShop\Yves\HomePage\Plugin\Router\HomePageRouteProviderPlugin; /** * @method \SprykerShop\Yves\CheckoutPage\CheckoutPageConfig getConfig() */ class StepFactory extends SprykerShopStepFactory { /** * @return StepCollectionInterface */ public function createStepCollection() { $stepCollection = new StepCollection( $this->getUrlGenerator(), CheckoutPageRouteProviderPluginAlias::ROUTE_NAME_CHECKOUT_ERROR ); $stepCollection ->addStep($this->createEntryStep()) ->addStep($this->createCustomerStep()) ->addStep($this->createAddressStep()) ->addStep($this->createShipmentStep()) ->addStep($this->createPaymentStep()) ->addStep($this->createVoucherStep()) ->addStep($this->createSummaryStep()) ->addStep($this->createPlaceOrderStep()) ->addStep($this->createSuccessStep()); return $stepCollection; } /** * @return VoucherStep */ public function createVoucherStep(): VoucherStep { return new VoucherStep( $this->getCalculationClient(), CheckoutPageRouteProviderPlugin::ROUTER_CHECKOUT_VOUCHER, HomePageRouteProviderPlugin::ROUTE_NAME_HOME ); } }
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factory looks ok, can offer to have a look together
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Hello @UNGMX0012, we figured this out. This is the updated code and it works:
<?php namespace Pyz\Yves\CheckoutPage\Process; use Pyz\Yves\CheckoutPage\Plugin\Router\CheckoutPageRouteProviderPlugin; use Pyz\Yves\CheckoutPage\Process\Steps\VoucherStep; use Spryker\Yves\StepEngine\Dependency\Step\StepInterface; use SprykerShop\Yves\CheckoutPage\Process\StepFactory as SprykerShopStepFactory; use SprykerShop\Yves\HomePage\Plugin\Router\HomePageRouteProviderPlugin; class StepFactory extends SprykerShopStepFactory { /** * @return array<StepInterface> */ public function getSteps(): array { return [ $this->createEntryStep(), $this->createCustomerStep(), $this->createAddressStep(), $this->createShipmentStep(), $this->createPaymentStep(), $this->createVoucherStep(), $this->createSummaryStep(), $this->createPlaceOrderStep(), $this->createSuccessStep(), $this->createErrorStep(), ]; } /** * @return VoucherStep */ public function createVoucherStep(): VoucherStep { return new VoucherStep( $this->getCalculationClient(), CheckoutPageRouteProviderPlugin::ROUTER_CHECKOUT_VOUCHER, HomePageRouteProviderPlugin::ROUTE_NAME_HOME ); } }
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nice, yes we did it the same way using
. had this in mind already. glad u fixed it π0 -
so, outdated docu? π€
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@UNGMX0012 Yes it seems like the documentation is outdated.
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I created a pr to fix the outdated docu: https://github.com/spryker/spryker-docs/pull/1403
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