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hello. I need to install module from private repository. And I need to add public ssh key to the CLI
hello. I need to install module from private repository. And I need to add public ssh key to the CLI docker container. How can I do it? How can add this key when entering CLI container using docker/sdk cli
? thanks.
Something like
export GITHUB_TOKEN={your_token_here}
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Prepare the GitHub token for accessing private repositories:
Generate the GitHub token in your GitHub account.
Add the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to your profile in one of the following ways:# bash touch ~/.bash_profile echo -e "\n\nexport GITHUB_TOKEN=your_token" >> ~/.bash_profile source ~/.bash_profile
# zsh touch ~/.zprofile echo -e "\n\nexport GITHUB_TOKEN=your_token" >> ~/.zprofile source ~/.zprofile
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but do i need to do it always when i want to run composer? i would like to have it permanently there π
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Adding it into you bash profile will do the trick.
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and it will go automatically to the cli container always?
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Not sure about that, sorry. My answer was about installing packages from private repositories using docker/sdk.
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I would ask in as it's env specific.
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ok. thanks π
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and i think we are talking about different things. I need to add ssh key inside of container. Not github token.
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Probably. But for installing packages from private repos github token is enough in our case as our development develops in private monorepo.
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this is our internal repo. and i'm getting this error
Cloning into bare repository /home/spryker/.composer/cache/vcs/blabla... Warning: Permanently added '(ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. repourl: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
So i need public key for this operation i think
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