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Hello guys, how can i load in docker under swagger in docker the glue documentation g
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e BASE_URL=/swagger -e SWAGGER_JSON=/var/specs/swagger.yml -v $(pwd)/src/Generated/Glue/Specification/spryker_rest_api.schema.yml:/var/specs/swagger.yml swaggerapi/swagger-ui
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And open localhost:8080/swagger
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I see this
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it works!
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And the question. Why it does not work for swagger in docker setup as it is the same?
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docker inspect spryker_b2b_dev_swagger_1
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i don't know..
maybe swagger is expecting swagger.yml file and not spryker_rest_api..... filename... because the mount works in docker setup0 -
question: it does work on your b2b local docker?
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It does not matter you can change swagger.yml with any other name in the command I gave.
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strange.. i can debug in deep maybe later or tomorrow and i can ping u if i find smth...
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This swagger stuff is so isolated - it does not care on the project. As only mount and env var is set.
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yes i see
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docker inspect spryker_b2b_dev_swagger_1 | grep spryker_rest_api
docker inspect spryker_b2b_dev_swagger_1 | grep SWAGGER_JSON
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List the output here please. Thanks
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first command:
second command:
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docker inspect -f '{{ .Mounts }}' spryker_b2b_dev_swagger_1
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But as I remember file was there.
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[{bind /Volumes/Loeffelhardt-Projekte/el-online.loeffelhardt.local/project/src/Generated/Glue/Specification /var/specs rw true rprivate}]
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it seem good...
i will try today by my collegue docker instance... in the case there works then it is only smth strange on my system...
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Strange - it must work.
Ok. Let’s do the reset.
docker/sdk down
docker rm spryker_b2b_dev_swagger_1
docker/sdk run0 -
ok.. i will try and give u feedback in 1 hour...
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it works now!!
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thank u!
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Hmm. It seems swagger just keeps some state internally.
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probably yes...
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We are willing to change the behavior completely by introducing Glue endpoint for specification. At that point it won’t go via file but URL.
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Thank you for using our docker SDK and feedbacks!
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yes... your docker SDK is very good!! thank u!
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