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Hello, for the merchant relationship feature, there is a `spy_merchant_relationship` table which rep
for the merchant relationship feature, there is a spy_merchant_relationship
table which represents the m:n mapping between the spy_merchant
and spy_company_business_unit
using the the ids of both as foreign key in spy_merchant_relationship
However, there is another table spy_merchant_relationship_to_company_business_unit
which represents another m:n relation between spy_company_business_unit
and spy_merchant_relationship
Do i miss something or isn’t the second table some kind of redundant information since its already represented by the first one?
I just wonder why my relation was not created but it seems my facade call didn’t consider this table.
is for assigned business units, they can be multiple - these BU will be affected by the relationship config0 -
represents which business unit is owner of this merchant_relationship
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So retrieving the merchant relationship via the company_user transfer means, that it just filled when the company_business_unit is the owner of the merchant relationship?
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i mean, i created a relationship via the merchant relationship facade … but then i fetched the company user and the hydrated company unit and i expected the merchant relation to be the one that i created right now … but it seems that this is not true. instead it might be the ownership as already mentioned
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Is the “ownership” of the relation necessary? I don’t think so since the creation process in the facade didn’t throw any error …. but it also did not create an entry in spy_merchant_relationship_to_company_business_unit
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<column name="fk_company_business_unit" required="true" type="INTEGER"/>
it is requried for merchant relationship entity.
$merchantRelationTransfer ->requireFkMerchant() ->requireFkCompanyBusinessUnit();
To save business units to merchant relationship via
$merchantRelationTransfer->setAssigneeCompanyBusinessUnits((new CompanyBusinessUnitCollectionTransfer())->setCompanyBusinessUnits($companyBusinessUnitTransfers));
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is only required in this case
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Thanks a lot … 🙂 last question i didn’t ask yet: what is this ownership needed for? When using the merchant related price between merchant and a business unit, what relation i should look for? The “ownership” between the business_unit/merchant_relationship (represented by spy_merchant_relationship_to_company_business_unit) or the collection of spy_merchant_Relationship? I am a bit confused, sorry^^
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for prices only relations via
matters0 -
Could be used for some business logic, in Spryker modules it's used to display related to merchant relationship Company and combine it with Business Unit name, e.g.
Company X (Sales Departement)
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also you cannot assign merchant relationship to another company business units if this one owned by business unit from different company
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I think that is all 🙂
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