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Hi Spryker Community! I am trying to resolve a bug, but I am unable to find which function is storin

Hi Spryker Community! I am trying to resolve a bug, but I am unable to find which function is storing the data in persistence/redis storage (Having an issue with the order the category breadcrumbs are displayed in).
In this example, it should list Alcoholic Beverages > Wine > Red Wine, but I get Alcoholic Beverages > Red Wine > Wine
I understand it is being stored into Redis via queuing, but I can’t get my debugger to break when the actual field data is being generated. Everywhere else the category order is respected (navigation menu, category listings, filters…), It is only in the product page breadcrumbs that it appears in this wrong order. If I manually change the order in the Redis chache, I get the right result.
¿How can I find where is this particular data being generated and intervene?
Redis key kv:product_abstract_category:en_GB:123:
what category is the product assigned to?
Are you sure that node_id 128 has node_id 2 as its parent? just based on the ids it looks right to me. That is, to me it looks like 2 -> 7 -> 128.
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Yeah, 128's parent is 2, and 7's parent is 128. The Wine category was added after the fact (we only had a 2 depth at the beginning).
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And product 123 is in product category 7, as you can see from spy_product_category. My guess is that the product category is being ordered by id, not parents and depth, I wanted to see where and how was the data in redis generated.
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We have similar or same issue to be fixed in our backlog.
Steps to Reproduce Open <https://www.de.b2b.demo-spryker.com/en/rechtecktisch-vierkantrohr-1600-x-800-mm-M719> Actual Behavior Breadcrumbs are “Home->Office furniture->Conference Tables->Tables”. Expected Behavior Breadcrumbs should be “Home->Office furniture->Tables->Conference Tables”.
It's circling in CR.
Last interaction from today, so it's not abandoned.0 -
ah, okey, so i’m not alone 🙂 I did try with the docker image and it seems to be working properly though.
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Ordering is correct now, but we have a problem where the 'Home' link is pointing not to home page, but to current page 🤔
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