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Hello all, While placing an order with a custom payment method, I get "You need to provide at leas

Hello all,
While placing an order with a custom payment method, I get "You need to provide at least one state machine process for given method!" error, although I have defined it inside my config_default.php like this:
$config[SalesConstants::PAYMENT_METHOD_STATEMACHINE_MAPPING] = [ PaymentConfig::PAYMENT_FOREIGN_PROVIDER => 'ForeignPaymentB2CStateMachine01', UnipayPaymentConfig::PROVIDER_NAME => 'UnipayPayment01' ];
Can someone please tell me what might be the problem?
what is the name of the custom payment method?
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@UL65CH0MC Provider is called 'UnipayPayment' and the payment method is called 'unipayFunpay'
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Ok.. and what is the value of this constant
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@UL65CH0MC it is 'UnipayPayment'
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ok then it's clear that does not macht.. the payment method name should match in
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it means :
$config[SalesConstants::PAYMENT_METHOD_STATEMACHINE_MAPPING] = [ PaymentConfig::PAYMENT_FOREIGN_PROVIDER => 'ForeignPaymentB2CStateMachine01', 'unipayFunpay' => 'UnipayPayment01'
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@UL65CH0MC It actually means:
$config[SalesConstants::PAYMENT_METHOD_STATEMACHINE_MAPPING] = [ PaymentConfig::PAYMENT_FOREIGN_PROVIDER => 'ForeignPaymentB2CStateMachine01', 'UnipayPayment' => 'UnipayPayment01'
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@UL65CH0MC Hello, the issue got fixed. The payment method name was in the wrong constant. Thank you for making me look into this.
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