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Hi guys, I have a small question for my understanding: I understand, that we can customize yves by o

Hi guys,
I have a small question for my understanding:
I understand, that we can customize yves by overwriting stuff in src/Pyz/Yves/ShopUi/Theme/default/...
This is overwriting stuff from vendor/spryker-shop/shop-ui/src/SprykerShop/Yves/ShopUi/Theme/default.
My question is: Why do we have so many files in the Pyz area from the demo shop. From my understanding this is project level, I would have expected to have the files in the composer module included and not in the Pyz area.
The files in vendor are base templates for all Spryker projects e.g. B2B, B2C or pickup. The files in Pyz of your project make adaptions to fit the business case.
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That is corret, but my question is:
Even when we start there are a lot of files in Pyz from the Demo-Shop alone. Shouldn't they be placed more in the vendor folder?
It more for my understanding.0 -
The files in the vendor folder are for all projects. As the Demo Shop for B2B, B2C, Pickup look different these files has to be in Pyz and not in vendor.
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Ok understood!
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