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Hi, I have done the data import from backend (zed) and data was getting stored in spy_cms_page and
Hi, I have done the data import from backend (zed) and data was getting stored in spy_cms_page and in spy_cms_page_storage but not in spy_cms_page_search. I dont see any error in the logs/exception.log page. Any idea what would be the problem?
do u have jenkins and rmq running? do u check if u have events in event queue?
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Jenkins and rmq is running, but queue for event is empty as its getting to event_error
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Ok, can u please get a message from event_error and post here? maybe smth is not properly configured or missing.
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{"listenerClassName":"Spryker\\Zed\\GlossaryStorage\\Communication\\Plugin\\Event\\Listener\\GlossaryKeyStoragePublishListener","transferClassName":"Generated\\Shared\\Transfer\\EventEntityTransfer","transferData":{"event":null,"name":null,"id":720,"foreign_keys":[],"modified_columns":[],"original_values":[]},"eventName":"Glossary.key.publish","retry":5,"retryMessage":"Retry on: ","errorMessage":""}
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this an event about glossary storage.. how many events do u have in event_error?
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u can try to trigger the event manually
vendor/bin/console event:trigger -r cms_page_search
and check if the events are properly consumed... i would suggest u to purge the event error queue and check if everything works fine or not0 -
Purged queue, ran the cmd as suggested, still have the event_error wth 370
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I tried console sync:data , then it started throwing this event_error
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are the error events all related cms_page or also other type?
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how many cms page do u have imported? do u have multistore, multilanguage? what is about your structure?
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one store, 370 cms pages, one language
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ok.. then they are all cms page event errors.. can u please again post here the first one?
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{"listenerClassName":"Spryker\\Zed\\CmsPageSearch\\Communication\\Plugin\\Event\\Listener\\CmsPageSearchListener","transferClassName":"Generated\\Shared\\Transfer\\EventEntityTransfer","transferData":{"event":null,"name":null,"id":167,"foreign_keys":[],"modified_columns":[],"original_values":[]},"eventName":"Cms.version.publish","retry":5,"retryMessage":"Retry on: ","errorMessage":""}
Move messages
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no.. has no sense to move back... strange is that there is no errorMessage... do u check already ZED/exception_log?
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There are no errors in ZED/exception.log file.
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which version of cms-page-search do u have?
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do u checked also if u have smth in propel.log?
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hwo to check cms version?
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in composer lock
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or composer show
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spryker/cms-page-search 2.1.0 CmsPageSearch module
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there are no errors in propel.log
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i have 2.2.0 installed and it works without problems
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hmm, did you try with 2.1.0
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i had the version 2.1.0 last year till 9 dec and it worked too.. the problem is smth else but i dont understand what can be... need more details..
do u tried also to debug this? do u use docker or vagrant?0 -
I use vagrant, i couldnt find anything yet.
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ok. u can enable/configure xdebug (there is a doc under spryker docu) and then maybe trigger only one event cms page search and debug it.
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