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Hey has anyone had issues with getting products to return on, “api.spryker.local/catalog-search?q=”

Hey has anyone had issues with getting products to return on, “api.spryker.local/catalog-search?q=” ? It’s not returning any products which all seem to imported correctly with stores and prices etc… ?
Please check if you have product data in ES and Redis (if Jenkins consumed the queue from RMQ).
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@valerii.trots most likely a dumb question so I apologise in advance as im at the beginning of my Spryker learning journey. Is there any easy way to check if my products are in ES? Able to check redis through commander, and they’re definitely present there. Do I just need to use a tool like Kibana ?
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There are no dumb questions. 🙂
https://github.com/spryker/docker-sdk/blob/master/docs/06-configuring-services.md#kibana-ui0 -
Thanks! super helpful 🙂
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@valerii.trots Issue im having on this working with M1 arm architecture, doesn’t seem to be any guidance regarding Kibana and M1 and default image used in the Docker/sdk doesnt seem to support ARM
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7.6.2 and 7.10.1 images do support arm arch.0 -
Checking how this should be reflected in the deploy file.
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version: '7.10'
(depends on the ES version you have in the deploy file + what the application uses) should do the trick.
Can't check myself as I'm on Linux.0 -
At least with this setting I have 7.10.1 running locally.
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ok cool ill give that a try, Thanks !
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@valerii.trots what version of ES were you using mine used 7.6, which seems not be compatible with 7.1 of Kibana
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If you use ES 7.6, then Kibana should be defined as
version: '7.6'
as well.0
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