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Hi guys, whats the easiest way to map products to akeneo. I don't see that functionality in demoshop

UKKQKJ9FX Posts: 38 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet
edited October 2019 in Help

Hi guys, whats the easiest way to map products to akeneo. I don't see that functionality in demoshop (does demoshop provides with example implementation).

Any example for these files?
$config[AkeneoPimMiddlewareConnectorConstants::LOCALE_MAP_FILE_PATH] = APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR . '/data/import/maps/locale_map.json';
$config[AkeneoPimMiddlewareConnectorConstants::ATTRIBUTE_MAP_FILE_PATH] = APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR . '/data/import/maps/attribute_map.json';
$config[AkeneoPimMiddlewareConnectorConstants::SUPER_ATTRIBUTE_MAP_FILE_PATH] = APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR . '/data/import/maps/super_attribute_map.json';
