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When Glue API is used to get resources (/abstract-products/), there is an unexpected call to Zed to
When Glue API is used to get resources (/abstract-products/), there is an unexpected call to Zed to fetch the product tax information (TaxProductConnectorClient). When Zed is not available the API is crashing.
The expected behaviour is to get the data from the KV storage. This is also affecting performance and it hits our database when the products are returned.
Is there any update coming soon to remove the Glue dependency on Zed?
AFAIK this has been fixed already. Let me try to find it...
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I have package version 4.2.1 and it still uses the zed stub to get the taxes
public function getTaxSetForProductAbstract(ProductAbstractTransfer $productAbstractTransfer): TaxSetResponseTransfer { return $this->getFactory()->createZedStub()->getTaxSetForProductAbstract($productAbstractTransfer); }
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$resourceRelationshipCollection->addRelationship( ProductsRestApiConfig::RESOURCE_ABSTRACT_PRODUCTS, new WRONGPLUGIN() );
Correct plugin -
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Thank you! I will try to change the plugin.
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Good morning,
I switched to Spryker\Glue\ProductsProductTaxSetsResourceRelationship\Plugin\ProductsProductTaxSetsResourceRelationshipPlugin but it still makes calls to Zed.0 -
I saw there is an update for
but I cannot update to version 2.0.0 becausespryker/products-product-tax-sets-resource-relationship
requiresspryker/product-tax-sets-rest-api ^1.0.0
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You need to delete
and corresponding plugin usageProductsProductTaxSetsResourceRelationshipPlugin
.Then update
as it providesProductTaxSetByProductAbstractSkuResourceRelationshipPlugin
plugin which doesn't do Zed call.0 -
Done. It works well now. Thank you very much!
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