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hello together, Spryker b2c 202001.0 frontend via glue on checkout process should assigned 2 shippi
hello together, Spryker b2c 202001.0 frontend via glue
on checkout process should assigned 2 shippingmethods, a fix fee that is not choosable and always assigend and a method like pickup or ups with several costs.
Where could i expand expense stack that i can use configured shippingmethods from backoffice (zed).
currently i can only add one shippingmethod via glue.
i checked ShipmentExpenseExpanderPlugin but this is not the right way
Hey Steffen. If you are talking about the multi-shipment, it’s not supported by the Glue checkout.
To my knowledge, the topic was being planned to implement, but I’m not sure who knows about the progress.0 -
ok thanks for the fast feedback
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is there a other approach maybe to add the fix fee like an order item?
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You probly need the custom expense that will be applied to your quote.
Implementing another one of the
seems the right way to me. What’s not working with it for you?0 -
in the plugin i can't add new expense to the quotetransfers or expensetransfer, only acess to the choosen shipmentmethod.
so i see no way to add second shippmentmethod to quotetransfer in this ShipmentExpenseExpanderPlugin maybe in an other plugin but i don't found one0
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