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Hi, I got a question on OMS: how can I trigger an event upon entering the first state? (well, there

ULL0N440J Posts: 184 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Hi, I got a question on OMS: how can I trigger an event upon entering the first state? (well, there is no transision)
My scenario: I want so send an order confirmation mail right after the customer hits the "Place order". Currently all of our orders remain in Zed as new, because we export new orders as xml for our own system anyway.
Another way would be passing new orders to the next (2nd) state (new -> confirmed and adding an event in this transision). So, a question on this would be (too): how could I trigger this? There is no onEnter=true neither since there's no event 🤔


  • Tamas Nyulas
    Tamas Nyulas Application Architect Posts: 20 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    There are several OmsFacade methods that does triggering. Have you checked them already?

  • ULL0N440J
    ULL0N440J Posts: 184 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet
    edited December 2019

    Will have a look into the Facade, will probably go with the sendOrderConfirmationMail() directly. As mentioned, there is actually no need for us to stick to Spryker OMS.
    Thought defining the transport directly with the Oms.xml would be possible, didn't find anything on that in the documentation,

    Thank you 🙂