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}Hello, I am having trouble with dependency injection through the 'injector/' directory in the modu

I am having trouble with dependency injection through the 'injector/' directory in the module. I saw in the documentation that you can inject dependency this way but it is not working for me. Can someone please guide me if this way works for you? I am trying to inject a dependency in CheckoutPageDepedencyProvider
Here is my code ...
// ---------- Dependency injector $config[KernelConstants::DEPENDENCY_INJECTOR_YVES] = [ 'CheckoutPage' => [ PaymentMethodsConstants::PROVIDER_NAME, ], ];
<?php namespace MyProject\Yves\PaymentMethods\Dependency\Injector; use Spryker\Yves\DummyPayment\Dependency\Injector\CheckoutDependencyInjector; use Spryker\Yves\Kernel\Container; use MyProject\Yves\PaymentMethods\Plugin\DirectDebitSubFormPlugin; use Spryker\Yves\Checkout\CheckoutDependencyProvider; use Spryker\Yves\StepEngine\Dependency\Plugin\Form\SubFormPluginCollection; use Spryker\Yves\Kernel\Dependency\Injector\DependencyInjectorInterface; class CheckoutPageDependencyInjector implements DependencyInjectorInterface { /** * @param \Spryker\Yves\Kernel\Container $container * * @return \Spryker\Yves\Kernel\Container */ protected function injectPaymentSubForms(Container $container): Container { $container->extend( CheckoutDependencyProvider::PAYMENT_SUB_FORMS, function (SubFormPluginCollection $paymentSubForms) { $paymentSubForms->add(new DirectDebitSubFormPlugin()); return $paymentSubForms; }); return $container; } public function inject(Container $container): Container { $container = $this->injectPaymentSubForms($container); return $container; } }
Hi, what is the value of
? I believe it should bePaymentMethods
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@U019WGU7SM9 Yes it is
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Well that looks ok to me then - a couple of more things you could check
1. clear your resolver cache:vendor/bin/console cache:class-resolver:build
2. I’m not sure whether you have to extend the AbstractDependencyInjector, but might be worth trying
3. I assume you’ve already been working with code in theMyProject
namespace, but if you haven’t, then it’ll need to be added to$config[KernelConstants::PROJECT_NAMESPACES]
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@U019WGU7SM9 Thanks. The namespace is added in the project namespaces. All other files work just not this one. I am going to try your 2nd point now.
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I miss
use Spryker\Yves\Kernel\Dependency\Injector\DependencyInjectorInterface;
in your injector class0 -
@UNGMX0012 forgot to add it in the message, I do have it in the code. Updated.
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@UNGMX0012 @U019WGU7SM9 looks like the config settings in
are overiding the settings inconfig_default.php
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