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so guys since you are still ignoring me i will repeat my question: why are you saving only net or on
so guys since you are still ignoring me i will repeat my question:
why are you saving only net or only gross prices in order items? It depends from the price mode. But i need both prices. So in gross mode i will never know the exact net price? and vice versa. or how it works?
@U0145CP9Q6Q i do not believe that your questions are ignored. In fact, our developers have tried to help you with your first question already. Please know that we are trying to answer all questions here and the community is quite active, but sometimes it will just take a while until someone can take a look. This is especially true for our Spryker dev guys in here, that dedicate a considerable amount of energy into helping.
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thanks for your reply
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i need to mention that i had a look here
As i understand the settings are here. but you have only NET and GROSS modes here0 -
@jeremy.fourna correct me if I wrong, but Sales Order Items - it should be a snapshot - and because we are making a “snapshot” of the ordered items and all ordered conditions - price from the Price mode is one of this.
That’s why we are saving only one price (net or gross)0 -
@UT9PVABFB you are right we save the price information of the price mode used during the checkout process. @U0145CP9Q6Q if you need both information there, you will need to extend the code.
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