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Where does codeception gets the idea the site is on ``? I'm trying to run ``` AP
do you have
class in someTestify
module in your project?0 -
Iβm asking like that because I have quite an outdated version of Spryker and our internals might be different π
0 -
there is a method called
0 -
it is (
) a codeception module, that is included (or not) into your codecept.yml and is executed (method_initialize
is called) when you run your tests.0 -
So I would suggest to check such classes that have
methods. If this is first time youβre trying to run an acceptance test, then you might even need to extend it for Pyz0 -
f.e. I have something like this in
:0 -
yeah, I do have this class, but it doesn't have anything else than yours. no localhost mentioned at all
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correct, but then the βlocalhostβ might come from config/env variables?
0 -
check which config file is used, when your tests are running
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yeah the problem is this seems to be the only test that get it wrong, other tests click through the UI on correct hosts just fine
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..and you have for sure compared the yml config file to check the potential difference. Then I donβt know π
0 -
would be interesting to know the casue
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