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Good morning! I was wondering, if I create an abstract product, but don't add any super attributes t

Good morning! I was wondering, if I create an abstract product, but don't add any super attributes to it before saving, is it possible to go back and add more super attributes to it at a later stage?
We seem to have no way to configure more super attributes to a previously saved abstract product, which means we can't then add any concrete variants and therefore this becomes a product in our system that can't be activated or deleted. I may have totally missed something out here and possible we have a customisation which has overridden this - but I wondered is this standard behaviour?
Many thanks! π
Previously it was the case, yes.
Let me check the latest state as I remember there should be changes regarding this behaviour.0 -
Unfortunately it's still the case. Once you created empty abstract, you are not able anymore to add concretes to it.
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Is this some expected behaviour? For me, abstract product without any variant will make no sense at all, right?
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Thanks for investigating Valerii! Yeah it seems a bit odd to have an abstract product in the system now that can't have any variants assigned to it π€
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@jeremy.fourna are there any plans to improve this apart from this idea - https://spryker.ideas.aha.io/ideas/CUSTIDEAS-I-56?
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I guess we already have a bug about this case, let me search for it
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We had a bug that resolved this issue, but I guess we have regression here
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I created another internal ticket to fix this issue. Hopefully we will have capacity\resources to fix this before next release of our demo-shops.
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Brilliant, thank you all for your support!
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This has been fixed in a way that a variant without a super attribute is created automatically - https://api.release.spryker.com/release-group/2992.
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Thats brilliant - thanks for getting back to me on this Valerii!
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I'm going to get back to you from our support portal as well but I'm checking how is it working now in order to write correct message. π
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