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Hi guys, after last composer update i got last compatible version for my b2b project of symfony/form

Hi guys, after last composer update i got last compatible version for my b2b project of symfony/form and symfony/validator -> both 4.4.7 --> 4.4.8
Now i have some problems when submit a form.. i get this error: Class 'Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\RequiredValidator' not found
RequiredValidator class does not exists in symfony validator (never has been created).
The requiredValidator will triggered from ConstraintValidatorFactory
that generate the class name so:
/** * Returns the name of the class that validates this constraint. * * By default, this is the fully qualified name of the constraint class * suffixed with "Validator". You can override this method to change that * behavior. * * @return string */ public function validatedBy() { return static::class.'Validator'; }
It means that every form field/group that have a constraint new Required()
fails because as said there is only a constraint class named Required
but not RequiredValidator
Has anyone the same problem?
Thanks a lot!
4.4.8 version of symfony/validator is not compatible with spryker for now. We are working on it right now, but for now I would recomend to lock on 4.4.7 version
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ok, thanks.. !
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@UJY8FHK99 with version 4.4.7 does not work too. Are u sure that with 4.4.7 works?
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Well, I haven’t tried it by myself, but it helped to one developer today
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ok.. i checked it.. on live system i have version 4.4.7 and works.. but every symfony component is still there to version 4.4.7..
when locally i locked only validator to 4.4.7 does not work and i get the same exception.. maybe we need to downgrade everything to 4.4.7 (form too ).
what do u think=?0 -
Sounds right. I’m not aware if smth else from other modules break things, but it looks so.
And thanks for your feedback. We will check what is wrong with other components too.
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i m going to test now.. i will give a feedback asap
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nope... the same problem.. also with form and validator locked to 4.4.7 the same exception.
how can i lock in general to 4.4.7?
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the problem is that a lot of spryker packages just require as dependency "symfony/form": "^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0",
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Has already a fix released or not?
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Update: i confirm that with form and validator locked to 4.4.7 it works. sorry for wrong message yesterday.. smth was wrong and not correctly downgraded..
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please only notify me and others when the fix is releases and spryker again full compatible is with last 4.4.x symfony
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I will.
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