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Hello Community... Is there a possibility to render a Widget in a Controller Action and put the rend
Hello Community... Is there a possibility to render a Widget in a Controller Action and put the rendered template as part as json response? Thanks in advance for your support!
You should be able to get the
service from the application, I guess0 -
in the controller
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and then
$twig->render('your_template.twig', $params)
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Hi Daniel, thanks.. i will try so as u suggested... 😉
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.. but.. i would like to render the mini cart widget in a controller action..
/** * @param int $cartQuantity */ public function __construct($cartQuantity) { $this->addParameter('cartQuantity', $cartQuantity) ->addParameter('activeCart', $this->getActiveCart()) ->addParameter('cartList', $this->getInActiveQuoteList()) ->addParameter('isMultiCartAllowed', $this->isMultiCartAllowed()); /** @deprecated Use global widgets instead. */ $this->addWidgets($this->getFactory()->getViewExtendWidgetPlugins()); } /** * @return string */ public static function getName(): string { return 'MiniCartWidget'; } /** * @return string */ public static function getTemplate(): string { return '@MultiCartWidget/views/mini-cart/mini-cart.twig'; } .....
As u see the construct set other params... I don't want calculate on my controller the other params value.. otherwise i need to set new dependency provider (in this case for example multiCartClient etc...)
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not sure I see -- in this case you would have a dedicated template like
{{ widget("MyWidget", quantity) }}
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the other parameters would be inferred from the current environment
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