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Hi all, I posted this issue a while ago, but here we go again (sorry, don't want to annoy you all, j
Hi all,
I posted this issue a while ago, but here we go again (sorry, don't want to annoy you all, just trying to figure out, where it could come from - today I got to this topic again and found out): All of my own css-classes and id's are loaded 66 times (didn't find anything which could explain this specific number)
My project/public/Yves/assets/css/yves_default.app.css
is about 6MB big at 50.000 lines. I guess it is likely that it actually should be less than 1000 Lines.
How many lines does your file have? Are some elements there mutiple times? π€
Found this thread, too: https://sprykercommunity.slack.com/archives/CKJRJM5FG/p1568383690070300
Just wanted to know, if someone else had this before, too. Would it be helpful to just move the shared.scss?
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apparently one of our projects has 22.5k lines in that file. Another has "just" 7k
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With nearly same amount of css?
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one project has 22.5k another project 7k (the other project is older)
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don't know anymore though, just looking π
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Does this appear to be correct to you? Don't know if you did a ton of css π
You could easily check this by scrolling through developer tools of your browser. body tag is already loaded that often in my case0 -
body {
is only defined once in theyves_default.app.css
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It looks like something is wrong with
. Everything is in this file is used by webpack sass-resources-loader and will be added to every endpoint. So by design only variables/functions/mixins definitions should be included intoshared.scss
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Good hint @UN6T8SEM7 - There was a
@import '~ShopUi/styles/shared';
hiding in the shared.scss.That's probably importing the shared.scss over and over again.. And this would even match at
:Scanning for component styles... 64 found
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I actually thought that the shared.scss is the place to go whenever you want to do any css changes.
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You can take a look into the frontend documentation to understand better where to put your code https://documentation.spryker.com/front-end_developer_guide/yves/atomic-frontend.htm#sass-layer
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Thank you @UN6T8SEM7 π
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The linked issue in your 2nd comment in the thread is still outstanding I believe, and is something in vendor π
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