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Hi guys, i have a problem while trying to implement Unzer as payment provider. The issue is that on
Hi guys, i have a problem while trying to implement Unzer as payment provider. The issue is that on payment page on checkout the payment methods are shown somehow broken. I'm guessing that step 9 on this page is not described well because the method with the name "extendSubFormPluginCollection" is not called anywhere. I tried to replace this method with "addSubFormPluginCollection", but again it's not fully working as i described earlier. Please see this image on checkout/payment page:
@jeremy.fourna will you take care here?
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@UT0RKKX8W did you add glossary keys to translate
keys and the payment methods?0 -
I will see with my dev about broken part
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Hi, about glossary keys there was nothing specified in documentation, but i will add them in meantime. Thanks for the fast response.
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@UT0RKKX8W Hello! Could you please send browser console output while loading this page? For some reason payment form was not rendered correctly.
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@U03MGAQFV5H Hi, there is no error in console:
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@UT0RKKX8W And after clicking on unzerCreditCard?
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same thing
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@UT0RKKX8W Thank you for your information. We need some time to reproduce this issue and provide some fix
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@U03MGAQFV5H ok, I'll be waiting then. Thank you for the support.
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@U03MGAQFV5H @jeremy.fourna Any update here? we still have the same problem.
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@UT0RKKX8W sorry for the long response time, @U03MGAQFV5H is on vacation today, he will get back to you next week
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@jeremy.fourna Thank you!
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Any update here? I have the same problem but for different payment provider, wrong template is being used.
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I too have similar problem. And I am also wondering if there is any update on this.
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