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Hello everybody, is there a recommended way pulling plugins as a dependency to another module when t
Hello everybody,
is there a recommended way pulling plugins as a dependency to another module when the plugin itself has dependencies? I want to use that code of this plugin in my own module. Usually, the plugin has no dependencies at all (no constructor params), but now i hit encounter a spryker plugin that has DI params which is a new situation to me β¦ any ideas how to deal with it? π€ the class is the spryker yves CustomerAuthenticationFailureHandler.
Iβd say Plugins should not be considered as Services you should deal with DI
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Plugins from a conceptual point of view are a layer for more dynamic βDIβ wiring in a way?
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That does not solve your issue here though, I guess π
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Hi Andreas. That means, the plugins dependecies itself should also be defined as a dependency in the DI of the module the plugin is pulled to?
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Plugins, PluginStack, etc though are often residing in PyZ for a reason. To be explicitly managed, Iβd say
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Wait, itβs not directly a plugin, but a handler class, residing in a Plugin namespace π€
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That was also my feeling β¦ not really a plugin
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At least not in the sense of sprykers βuse it in other modulesβ approach^^
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yep. meaning nope π
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But you need to get access to that service instance to inject it somewhere for sure?
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I wrote a new authenticator but moved to another module for that β¦ the authenticator should handle success and errors as before so the idea was to use the handler-plugins in my module β¦ but thats not possible with this dependency β¦ i think ill move from the new module back in the origin modules space so i can instantiate the handlers via the factories β¦ might not be the best solution but less stressfull i guess^^
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oooor you implement your own
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Yeah β¦ just want to avoid a copycat/code duplication^^
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Or go with the approach you initially thought about. Pulling in the dependencies for the handler and instantiate it within your module. A bit of tech smell, but thatβs probably for all the options you have
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Well, what would be the worst impact of that?
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The handler isnβt doing as much
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I think the cleanest option would be to stick to the origin module with my new authenticator as long as there is no need to separate it as a module that can be used in other projects β¦ for the moment there isnt such a requirement β¦ but perspectively it would be nice to have a clean dependency on that and just add a composer dep for that
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Or go with the approach you initially thought about. Pulling in the dependencies for the handler and instantiate it within your module. A bit of tech smell, but thatβs probably for all the options you have
The thing is, the DI itself would be a dependency .. in this case the messenger β¦ so if i would it also add to the dependency provider as well, i think there is a smell since there is the chance that the dep is not loaded yet
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Not sure if I can fully follow. Making the feature you worked on a standalone module, having a dependency to that auth handler sounds like a risk though, yes.
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Yeah but a clearly defined one^^i mean its always a tradeoff β¦ if i donβt want to re-implement a feature that already behaves as i want, i get some kind of dependency to it β¦ i think thats the price^^
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yep π
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