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Hey when I am extending a db table can I not add a unique column? ```

Hey when I am extending a db table can I not add a unique column?
<table name="spy_stock"> <unique name="spy_stock-other_id"> <unique-column name="other_id" type="VARCHAR" size="10" required="false"/> </unique> ...
Executing migration PropelMigration_1615322855 up Propel\Runtime\Exception\RuntimeException - Exception: <error>Failed to execute SQL "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `spy_stock-other_id` ON `spy_stock` (`other_id`(10))". Aborting migration.</error>
you need to define the column first and then create the unique index separately, not everything at once
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oh are you saying like this
<column name="content_type" required="true" size="100" type="VARCHAR"/> <- create column <unique> <unique-column name="content_type"/> <- make unique? </unique>
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alright think I got it here π @U01A5ARAXP0
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yes, exactly that... and usually we give a name to the unique index, like
<unique name="table-unique-field">
. Not sure if it is mandatory though0
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