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Hi everyone, I have to execute the commande "vendor/bin/console data:import" from Jenkins to import

Hi everyone,
I have to execute the commande "vendor/bin/console data:import" from Jenkins to import all the data from my .csv files. In the documentation it explained that it's possible but even when i follow the tutorial step by step it does'nt work and return "vendor/bin/console: not found"
Someone have an idea to resolve this ?
Hey! Can you post a screenshot please?
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I believe job's configuration is incorrect. Could you please try to create a new one by copying existing one? So it looks like on the second screenshot (btw, sync:data doesn't import data from csv file but exports existing data from the DB to Redis and ElasticSearch).
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i try it immediatly
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Sorry but i don't have any auto-completion and the code doesn't work...
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I know what is the problem. Let us fix something for your staging env and Jenkins will be full of predefined jobs.
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Perfect ! Thank You !
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Staging's Jenkins has been fixed. I'm going to do the same for Prod now.
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I try to execute the same command with your recommandation but it return an error again.
You don't have a script create to upload the csv file ? we want to change language and add some CMS bloc
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You need to commit changed file and push it into the repository together with the project. And re-deploy.
Or you need to implement your own data import functionality based on your requirements.0 -
You can see the actual output of the job in the console of the job. There are exceptions about missing FR locale data and something about missing AT store.
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Ok i'll show what i can do about it
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I don't see chere the problem come from, we don't ask for an AT store we only want an FR general store and several regional stores, and some language like french, english, italian...
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This has to be investigated by development team from your side (if you are not a dev).
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I am and i search since this morning and not a single change function
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