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Hi everyone, we are trying to deploy a spryker b2b marketplace application on our own server AWS EC

Hi everyone,
we are trying to deploy a spryker b2b marketplace application on our own server AWS EC2 (not provisioned by spryker for internal tests purposes)
1- we have a deploy.yml file
2- we have a domain which points route 53 to the server EC2
3- we use docker/sdk boot deploy.yml && docker/sdk up on the server
Do we need to create sub-domains on AWS to point the endpoints of the application on the domain created and that points on our ec2 instance? or the docker/sdk will do that for us?
What could be missing in our preparation to deploy on a staging env?
On a provisioned spryker cloud do we fork an existing project ?
What is the procedure of prod creation on spryker side?
Thanks a lot!
spryker uses some processes, that are not publicly available I think, to deploy in aws. However, your approach should work for internal usage (we use the docker sdk to provision the project in CI pipeline for example). The docker sdk would only create the endpoints internally. So to access it from the outside, yes, you need to create the subdomains in aws to point to the ec2 instance. And it should be easier, if they are the same as the internal docker/sdk endpoints
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you do not need to create the subdomain for every internal endpoint, only those you want to be able to access from the outside
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also the ports have to be accessible from the outside (mostly 80 and 443 at first) and I'm not sure if you have to have SSL termination ( i think you don't and its handled by docker/sdk)
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