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Hi all, What does testing mode mean in `docker/sdk` so what does it change to run `docker/sdk -t`
Alike vagrant devvm, there is no separate DB\separate install recipe.
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nice thanks
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another quesiton
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how is
docker/sdk -t
differnet from
docker/sdk testing
if they are different π
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docker/sdk -t
valid? I'm not sure. π0 -
Or did you mean
docker/sdk cli -t
vsdocker/sdk testing
?0 -
oh sorry I meant
docker/sdk cli -t0 -
That I'm not sure I can answer. IMO they are similar but I may be wrong.
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also one more thing β¦ when I am using
does it use differentconfig_*.php
? or does it still use the sameconfig_default-docker.dev.php
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Ah, there is a difference.
https://github.com/spryker/docker-sdk/pull/261/filesdocker/sdk cli -t - only runs cli in βtesting modeβ, but doesnβt start webdriver/removes scheduler. SoΒ docker/sdk cli -tΒ itβs not the same asΒ docker/sdk testingΒ as I thought in the beginning.
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because when I start
it prints that environment is[docker.dev](http://docker.dev)
so it seems to me like it still in the same env0 -
then in this case
docker/sdk testing
will be using a different config?0 -
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There is no other docker.* config, no? π It's dev\demo\ci only.
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in my case I hve only one
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should I add more?
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There are three - https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop/tree/master/config/Shared
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But depends on the project ofc. If you don't need other two...
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I dont think we need them in our case
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we only use docker for dev mode basically
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