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Hey Guys, is there a way in spryker to “mock” or disable authentication in b2b for testing? Thx

Hey Guys, is there a way in spryker to “mock” or disable authentication in b2b for testing? Thx
Depends on the details and specifics, I believe. I'd probably just use a test user/customer in most cases.
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Ok. But how you use the credentials etc. ?
Because we us a service for the authentication.
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As mentioned, details and specifics. What service, how is it set up and connected to the store, etc. ...? You could perhaps look for the connection point between service and store, check what the store sends to and receives from the service during authentication and create test/dummy data based on that. Or maybe check where and how the service is set up, see if you can disable it for your test, maybe in a config setting or something like that.
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We are using an Azure Authentication.
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Unfortunately I'm not familiar with that, so I can only suggest what I already wrote above: check the connection point through which Spryker communicates with Azure, see what goes back and forth and what you can do based on that. Also, see if you can find where and how it is set up on your store's side and if it lends itself to disabling via config or suchlike for your tests.
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Thx Gabriel,
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You're welcome. 👍
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