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Hello folks, does anyone know if it is possible to add custom tags to the images while `docker/sdk b
Hello folks, does anyone know if it is possible to add custom tags to the images while docker/sdk build
or earlier while docker/sdk boot [deploy.ci](http://deploy.ci).yml
. E.g. by using command-line parameters? We would like to use this in a build-pipeline to differentiate between branches/pipelines. After the build-stage we would like to push the images into a private docker-registry (gitlab). For that we would need to add tags
I also heard in the UserGroup from yesterday, that some more features for the docker/sdk are comming. Does CI/CD stuff is part of that?
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@UM0EZB9GT Im also very interested on that topic. As far as I know from this slack channel - Spryker starts working on documentation "howto" for CI/CD B2C demoshop (docker SDK setup). afaik, there is no timeline officially set yet. So, we just wait and hope 🙂
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@UM0EZB9GT Also, for you to know. From the meetup yesterday, i quote: "you can use vendor/bin/install script for CI/CD as well".
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Thanks for the hints @UQS4LDZU7. Using the docker/sdk in Gitlab pipelines already works. Currently the problem is to tag and push the images after build for reuse in next stages. That was already discussed a few post earlier in this channel but I thought “maybe there are news on this” 😄
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Images tagging and pushing is going to be outside docker/sdk scope always.
docker/sdk export images
Is the command to build images and output tags based on deploy.yml.
So you can have a bash script to tag them as you are willing and push wherever you need.
However, it seems the command is not so comfortable to use. Probably, we will change/enhance the way to run it to provide better XP.
It would be awesome, if you try it and give us a feedback.
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