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Hi guys, does anybody know if this is the latest documentation for integration of payone into spryke

Hi guys,
does anybody know if this is the latest documentation for integration of payone into spryker?
it seems a little bit outdated (Pages have been renamed from Checkout to CheckoutPage meanwhile etc) and our developers are facing some issues while integration this into the checkout process.
Hey Nico! Unfortunately you are right this documentation is outdated.
What kind of problems do you face?0 -
checkout seems to be broken. when selecting creditcard there is only one textfield with no label. I expected more than one text field (card holder, card number, exiration date)
0 -
All card related fields(card number cvc etc) should be loaded in iframe. You need to check if CreditCard template included correctly and Payone script loaded on the page without errors
https://github.com/spryker-eco/payone/blob/master/src/SprykerEco/Yves/Payone/Theme/default/components/molecules/payone-credit-card/payone-credit-card.twig#L100 -
thanks. will talk to our developers to gather more information
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