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Hi Team, Good Morning & Good Evening. I am new to Sryker and just started my training. I follow

Hi Team,
Good Morning & Good Evening.
I am new to Sryker and just started my training.
I followed the steps mentioned in this video to bind a newly created theme to a store ('green' theme to be applied to 'DE' store) however the change was not reflecting on storefront.
Can some one assist if i missed something?
Here are the changes I have done.
1. config/Yves/frontend-build-config.json :
"path": "assets/%SPRYKER_BUILD_HASH%/%namespace%/%theme%",
"staticPath": "assets/static",
"namespaces": [
"codeBucket": "",
"namespace": "",
"themes": ["green"],
"defaultTheme": "default"
2)TwigConfig.php has been updated to return 'green' theme for DE store
namespace Pyz\Shared\TwigDE;
use Spryker\Shared\Twig\TwigConfig as SprykerConfig;
class TwigConfig extends SprykerConfig
public function getYvesThemeName(): string
return 'green';
3) Created a theme folder 'green' in the following location.
Thanks in Advance.
Hi Sai,
The code seems ok. Did you go into the console, *docker/sdk cli,* and run *npm run yves:watch โ t green*
If you did, you should see the green folder under public/Yves/assets/current
You can also verify your modifications against the source code in github:
Adds green theme ยท spryker-academy/frontend-forbackenddev-course@9458aec
Contribute to spryker-academy/frontend-forbackenddev-course development by creating an account on GitHub.0 -
Thank you for taking your time to check this.
Yes, I ran the *npm run yves:watch โ t green* and I was able to see the asset folder generated in public/Yves/assets/current. Overall, it has both default and green folders.
I debugged further and it is observed that below file was pointing to the platform TwigConfig.php file but not to the one I have created.
'TwigSharedConfig' => '\\Spryker\\Shared\\Twig\\TwigConfig'
I tried below commands to refresh the cache and now I can see the resolvableClassCacheDE.php is updated and also the theme is reflecting for my DE store.
docker/sdk console cache:empty-all
docker/sdk console cache:class-resolver:build'TwigSharedConfig' => '\\Pyz\\Shared\\TwigDE\\TwigConfig',
I have one query. Should we always run above commands if we do any change in spryker?
Thanks again for looking into this.
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Every time you override a core class, run docker/sdk console cache:class-resolver:build and for twig templates, propel and transfers docker/sdk console cache:empty-all
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If you use phpstorm by chance, you can go to preferences, file watchers and automatically add those commands whenever you modify that kind of files
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sure Hidran. Thanks for the clarification and suggestion.
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