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Hello, the frontend and backend urls for B2C demo shop application are not working any more, getting

Hello, the frontend and backend urls for B2C demo shop application are not working any more, getting below errors, please help to fix it. ZED Exception
Error - Class 'Whoops\Run' not found
in /data/vendor/spryker/error-handler/src/Spryker/Zed/ErrorHandler/Communication/Plugin/Application/ErrorHandlerApplicationPlugin.php (48)
#0 /data/vendor/spryker/error-handler/src/Spryker/Zed/ErrorHandler/Communication/Plugin/Application/ErrorHandlerApplicationPlugin.php(37): Spryker\Zed\ErrorHandler\Communication\Plugin\Application\ErrorHandlerApplicationPlugin->registerPrettyErrorHandler() #1 /data/vendor/spryker/application/src/Spryker/Shared/Application/Application.php(81): Spryker\Zed\ErrorHandler\Communication\Plugin\Application\ErrorHandlerApplicationPlugin->provide(Object(Spryker\Shared\Kernel\Communication\Application)) #2 /data/vendor/spryker/application/src/Spryker/Zed/Application/Communication/ZedBootstrap.php(109): Spryker\Shared\Application\Application->registerApplicationPlugin(Object(Spryker\Zed\ErrorHandler\Communication\Plugin\Application\ErrorHandlerApplicationPlugin)) #3 /data/vendor/spryker/application/src/Spryker/Zed/Application/Communication/ZedBootstrap.php(119): Spryker\Zed\Application\Communication\ZedBootstrap->setupApplicationPlugins() #4 /data/vendor/spryker/application/src/Spryker/Zed/Application/Communication/ZedBootstrap.php(100): Spryker\Zed\Application\Communication\ZedBootstrap->setupApplication() #5 /data/vendor/spryker/application/src/Spryker/Zed/Application/Communication/ZedBootstrap.php(71): Spryker\Zed\Application\Communication\ZedBootstrap->setUp() #6 /data/public/Zed/index.php(21): Spryker\Zed\Application\Communication\ZedBootstrap->boot() #7 {main}
YVES Exception
Error - Class 'Whoops\Run' not found
in /data/vendor/spryker/error-handler/src/Spryker/Yves/ErrorHandler/Plugin/Application/ErrorHandlerApplicationPlugin.php (48)
#0 /data/vendor/spryker/error-handler/src/Spryker/Yves/ErrorHandler/Plugin/Application/ErrorHandlerApplicationPlugin.php(37): Spryker\Yves\ErrorHandler\Plugin\Application\ErrorHandlerApplicationPlugin->registerPrettyErrorHandler() #1 /data/vendor/spryker/application/src/Spryker/Shared/Application/Application.php(81): Spryker\Yves\ErrorHandler\Plugin\Application\ErrorHandlerApplicationPlugin->provide(Object(Spryker\Yves\Kernel\Application)) #2 /data/vendor/spryker-shop/shop-application/src/SprykerShop/Yves/ShopApplication/YvesBootstrap.php(95): Spryker\Shared\Application\Application->registerApplicationPlugin(Object(Spryker\Yves\ErrorHandler\Plugin\Application\ErrorHandlerApplicationPlugin)) #3 /data/vendor/spryker-shop/shop-application/src/SprykerShop/Yves/ShopApplication/YvesBootstrap.php(60): SprykerShop\Yves\ShopApplication\YvesBootstrap->setupApplication() #4 /data/public/Yves/index.php(21): SprykerShop\Yves\ShopApplication\YvesBootstrap->boot() #5 {main}
you updated the composer packages, right?
0 -
git restore composer.lock docker/sdk cli composer install
0 -
had the same issue yesterday
0 -
I think they want you to run
docker/sdk cli composer require filp/whoops
if you want to keep using the ErrorHandler plugins
0 -
Thank you Philipp, so should I just install filp/whoops with composer require filp/whoops
0 -
Yes I ran composer update as I was getting another error saying some Class not found.
0 -
Now I am getting below error: Exception
Could not find config key "CUSTOMER_PAGE:CUSTOMER_REMEMBER_ME_SECRET" in "Spryker\Shared\Config\Config"0 -
maybe you updated other packages as well and need to follow the changelog to update your project
0 -
seems like this key was introduced in https://github.com/spryker-shop/customer-page/releases/tag/2.29.0
0 -
I ran composer update, now could you plz help how can I get this change added to my project
0 -
Even I am facing the same issue, any suggestions please
0 -
maybe some other package got updated as well:
https://github.com/spryker-shop/customer-page/releases/tag/2.29.00 -
you probably updated many packages..not sure if that's what you really want
0 -
ideally just install
and don't update all Spryker packages0 -
I did install filp/whoops
0 -
do you still have the logs how it was installed? check if any spryker packages was updated as well
0 -
if so, reset your
and installfilp/whoops
like this:docker/sdk cli composer require filp/whoops --no-scripts --no-update docker/sdk cli composer update filp/whoops
0 -
version it is showing 2.9
0 -
but check
git diff composer.lock
if you changed other Spryker packages accidentally0 -
I think the best is to reset your
and rundocker/sdk cli composer install docker/sdk cli composer require filp/whoops --no-scripts --no-update docker/sdk cli composer update filp/whoops
0 -
if you see some downgrades when running
docker/sdk cli composer install
then you had Spryker packages updated before0
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