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Good morning. Does anyone know how to setup development environment with spryker docker sdk?
Good morning. Does anyone know how to setup development environment with spryker docker sdk? https://documentation.spryker.com/v3/docs/docker-sdk also it does not sync files for me on linux... I need that the changes appear in docker containers and they don't
have you tried the updated docs at https://documentation.spryker.com/v4/docs/installation-guide-development-mode
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oh I didn't notice these docs. Looks development mode is installed now. But still nothing syncs - tried to modify file and cat via docker/sdk cli and vendor dir is still just in container and not in my machine....
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maybe I have to configure bind mount or sth? But I don't know how. I expected this to work out of the box
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It is OOTB. Would you be able to describe commands you use?
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I used the commands in installation guide, @U016ZN12N4A provided above. Then to test if it syncs modified for example composer.json and did docker/sdk cli cat composer.json - changes did not appear there
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also the vendor dir does not appear in local so either way it does not work
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Do you use our demoshop?
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used this git clone <https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2b-demo-shop.git> -b 202001.0 --single-branch b2b-demo-shop
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Please, run
cat docker/deployment/default/docker-compose.yml | grep '/data'
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started working after restart 😄 thanks
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