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Hey! I am trying to use the queue client in an Yves controller, but noticed that it doesnβt work sin
Hey! I am trying to use the queue client in an Yves controller, but noticed that it doesnβt work since the broker env-variables are not passed to the Yves container. Adding the broker include block from zed.env.twig to yves.env.twig fixes it, but I am wondering if that is a proper fix. Is there a proper way to get the queue client to work?
Hello Andreas,
What is the reason you want use broker from Yves?
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Hey Mike,
I am trying to create a file on the filesystem when a certain form is submitted in Yves. Since the form does not need to be created instantly, I wanted to solve this through a queue for better performance.0 -
On which filesystem?
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Zed, in the projectβs /data directory
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Ok. Thanks for clarification.
Please, consider my notes:
- Yves is stateless Frontend server. Any persistent data flow must go via Zed gateway.
- Yves containers should have limited access to the services and should be in isolated network conditions. Only Zed gateway, denormalized data access, session and caches should be accessible.
- Filesystem of the container cannot be assumed as a persistent storage. You would have multiple zed servers for high availability and scaling purposes.
- A message in a broker queue should not be overloaded with the huge payload. Most message brokers have strict limitations on that.
- The cost of putting file into the queue would be the same as putting into a file storage service or even better.
So my suggestions are: - I would propose to not use containers filesystem as a persistent storage. Even more: I would recommend to avoid any RO/RW operations within PHP containers.
- If you do not want to use Zed gateway for the uploading you would consider using another service that can manage file storing.
- You can use https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fastcgi-finish-request.php to release client and upload file in background.
I would propose something more particular if you would give me more context, production environment specification and other info.
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Alright thanks π Was just confused by the presence of the QueueClient since it made me think that the Queue should be able to be accessed by Yves.
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