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Hello, maybe there is a chance anybody had performance problems updating spy_touch table? PostgeSQL

Hello, maybe there is a chance anybody had performance problems updating spy_touch table?
PostgeSQL version: 9.6.19spy_touch
number or records: 3,846,538
Import process hangs on UPDATE "spy_touch" SET "touched"=$1 WHERE "spy_touch"."id_touch"=$2
. Sometimes this query takes 10+ minutes to execute.
spy_touchβ¦ sounds like a distant memory π
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is theere maybe an index missing?
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the query alone taks 10 mins π€
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with an id lookup?
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with that amount of data it should not eveen take anywhere near that time even with a sequential scan
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indexes are there
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ah, it is a string, right?
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but wait
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yup, it should not take that long...
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Maybe some data imports lock the table?
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Well this happens during data import, and the import hangs from time to time. Even if the table is locked it should not take 10 minutes for single row update π€
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deadlocks could occur and block things for a long time, but thats not spryker specific. More Spryker specific could be FK constraints that lock other tables or have relations to much bigger tables that take time, too.
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Won't Postgres reindex on INSERTS and UPDATES? Large tables with large indexes might have low write performance due to index updates.
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