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Is there any official statement from Spryker regarding M1? To be honest: Can't understand why there'

Is there any official statement from Spryker regarding M1?
To be honest: Can't understand why there's no official feedback for such an important issue.
As far as I know there is a dedicated branch in the repository: https://github.com/spryker/docker-sdk/tree/apple-m1-adjustments
Some of our team (not me) are using this branch with the new M1 and it's working without problems so far.
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and there is an open (and slightly abandoned) PR on the spryker/php base image:
https://github.com/spryker/docker-php/pull/280 -
Thanks guys - We will try the M1 branch, maybe this helps.
I will ask also the client that they will make some pressure on Spryker. Really can't understand that Spryker is not communicating with the community - Clients are spending Millions and no feedback yet on those important features .. -.-
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Yes, we have prototypes and have it on our roadmap for Q4 to verify, test and release
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Thanks for your response, Volodymyr π Looking forward to it
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Please keep in mind, that they are bit slower based on our experience
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Thanks for your response, appriciate it.
Yeah - I will also see if we can get Spryker up & running without Docker.Because as we all know: Docker sucks on MacOs π π
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That is the limitation of this technology because it is only native on Linux and there is a VM on any other OS, if you have any ideas of Dev environment that might be friendly for MacOS and Windows but not require a lot of time to install all the services natively (though it is possible, but not error prone and we would like to deliver pre-build environments to make it easier for the community) , please share
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I am working on it π
We're coming from the Shopware World and we're using valet ( laravel valet ) for our dev env's on Mac. Docker is fine for Linux, yeah.
valet is native, super fast because it's native and the installation is also super fast. No hosts editing, nothing. Everything is directly served from your "parked folder".
A new shopware project is installed in a minute or so.
I am currently looking into it to get Spryker up & running with it.
If it runs somehow - We could then add some additional commands or config / what ever to valet to make valet compatible with Spryker with a simple command.That's at least my idea.
However: valet is for macOS.
There's also valet-plus which is a fork from valet that includes some additional features. It was primarly build for Magento from we-provide and is also widely used: https://github.com/weprovide/valet-plus
So i was thinking then maybe to build a similar fork or whatever for Spryker then.
Let me know what you think π
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Thanks for the hint!
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the complexity comes with other services: DB, ES, Redis etc, they also need to run somehow
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We can integrate ES & Redis easily and also to be able to enable/disable it and to install it during the installation.
For the DB - Just https://dbngin.com/
Just need to take a look at rabbitmq - Never worked with it and i need to see which other requirements Spryker needs.
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Hi everyone!
Short question regarding Spryker, Docker and AppleΒ M1Β Chip / AppleΒ M1Β Pro Chip:
What's the official status here?
Is the usage still as experimental as it reads here? Or can you use it in between without any problems?Maybe any official statement @valerii.trots?
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I've heard there is a branch considered to be working but current implementation is slow so should be refactored.
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Thanks Valerii for the update. "Should be refactored" doesn't sound like a high priority. What do developers do where corporate policy prohibits Linux on desktop computing. How can they effectively develop on apple machines for Spryker without clean M1 support? π€
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AFAIK "should be refactored" is still a prio for December.
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