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Hello, recently cloned out working repo onto another machine ( my laptop was getting bogged down )

Hello, recently cloned out working repo onto another machine ( my laptop was getting bogged down )
Ran docker/sdk boot deploy.dev.yml && docker/sdk up
Creating appname_dev_redis-gui_1 ... done Creating appname_dev_frontend_1 ... done Creating appname_dev_gateway_1 ... done Restarting appname_dev_gateway_1 ... done Restarting appname_dev_frontend_1 ... done Service `search` is not running. Please check the name.
- Updated hosts file
- Installed mutagen
- Run reset/trouble and double trouble
- reinstalled mutagen && docker/sdk clean docker/sdk up --build --assets
- nuked everything and tried boot/up again
- docker/sdk clean && docker/sdk up --build
Any thoughts here?
Mac OSX: 11.5
Docker Desktop: Version 3.4.0 (
Hi Edward, it’s hard to say what can be the problem.
But I would check if you recently did any changes indeploy.dev.yml
, maybe some issue with configuration.I would also try to start this search container with docker (without docker/sdk) and check if it works.
If you have any stopped search containers connected to search engine I would check such container logs, maybe you will find something there.Also you can try to restart docker daemon on Mac.
Which docker/sdk version do you have?
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I have docker/sdk 1.37.0
MAC OSX: 11.4 (20F71)
Docker Desktop Version:3.5.2 (66501)I did docker/sdk reset one hour ago and by me everything works locally.
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oh it’s cool, my fault, forgot to increase the swap limits. Thanks for checking in tho….
those little things get ya
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there’s a call out to make it better: https://github.com/spryker/docker-sdk/issues/226
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right, the “service search is not running” is usually a symptom of not giving enough resources to docker.
To see the concrete issue in this case, you can alsodocker ps
and check the “status” of the search container. There you might see the error. You can also enter the container itself and will see more details. In that case it is most likely the java exception complaining that it run out of memory0
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