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If anyone was able to solve this problem?

If anyone was able to solve this problem? https://sprykercommunity.slack.com/archives/CKJRJM5FG/p1656422981567989 I have the same issue but with different payment providers. I wonder if downgrading to lower version would help?
Hi @U03SW5W1BDX, You have to make sure that payment methods are linked to the Store and also build the Yves front-end. Additionally you have to add the glossary keys for translation.
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So for You it's working for You? I did all these things. Could You show me Your payment twig template - src/Pyz/Yves/CheckoutPage/Theme/default/views/payment/payment.twig?
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unfortunately i do not have the acc to file right now
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But if you follow instructions on the documentation for this file
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it should work
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You mean this instruction? https://docs.spryker.com/docs/pbc/all/payment-service-providers/unzer/install-unzer/integrate-unzer.html#set-up-the-configuration cause that one in Your post is 404 page now
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OK I finally fixed this issue- removing ignore missing helped me to get proper customForms:
- {% include view(viewName, moduleName) ignore missing with { + {% include view(viewName, moduleName) with {
I saw the error and I understood that my my data was incorrect and wrong template it wanted to add. Proper data:
{% define data = { backUrl: _view.previousStepUrl, forms: { payment: _view.paymentForm }, customForms: { 'NovalnetPayment/przelewy24': ['przelewy24', 'NovalnetPayment'], }, } %}
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