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Hello, does anyone have experience with implementing PWA functionality for Yves? Where would be a go
That's rather a Glue case, imho
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We are not sure if we can handle the effort that comes with developing our own frontend for glue. PWA functionality will probably be a requirement for the shop. Is it not recommended to do this or can you give a rough estimate how big the effort would be?
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fist of all i would question the requirement
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what do you expect from gaining through pwa?
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We have a few requirements to use the shop offline and also make orders offline
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Furthermore it is supposed to replace the native android and ios apps that are currently in place
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i am not an expert on all things pwa, but trying to press this functionality into a template based frontend like yves sounds pretty hacky
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the foundamental basics of offline approaches in pwa assume the existence of APIs
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there are already apis. you are suggesting to re-implement them in a system that is not meant for that, imho
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the requirements sound like someone promised that turning a website into an app is a matter of flipping a switch π€
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you can probably mix yves and glue
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imagine the scenario of offline ordering. how would you handle this in yves?
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I guess you could save the products the customer has in his cart, and then prompt him to place a order when he is online again. To work around the issues of the complexity of the normal order steps
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But I agree that it would be alot better to actually use a frontend based on glue to implement the PWA functionality
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